
Meet Bloomerent, the sustainable solution to your event flowers


hen Danit Zamir was planning her wedding 3 years ago, she couldn’t wrap her mind around the idea of spending thousands of dollars on flowers that would be thrown out in a few hours. After seeing her own flowers in the trash just 5 hours after her wedding began, she decided to come up with her own solution to this wasteful problem in the event industry – and Bloomerent was born!

The Bloomerent marketplace allows people to share their floral centerpieces with another event in their area, minimizing waste and cutting costs by up to 60%.  “We hope to become a one-stop shop for all event hosts looking for flowers, and the first place they think to go when it comes to flowers, whether it’s to find a florist directly or to share their flowers with another event,” said founders Danit Zamir and Julia Capalino. We caught up with Danit and Julia to talk all things events– from throwing a black tie karaoke party to their pre and post event routines.

Meet the founders:

Founders of bloomernet
Bloomerent Founders Danit Zamir and Julia Capalino

What’s the best event you’ve ever hosted?

JVC: For my 25th birthday I planned a black tie karaoke birthday party. We started the night at my parents home where we sipped champagne and ate oysters and then all cabbed down to a karaoke spot and sang the night away in tuxedos and long dresses.

DZ: My wedding! It was my first time planning a big event, let alone on my own, and seeing everything come together on the day of was a really proud moment.

What’s the best you event you’ve ever attended?

JVC: The best event I’ve ever attended was a surprise party my mother planned for my father’s 60th birthday. She held it at Blue Hill Stone Barns, on the stunning Rockefeller estate, where they often horseback ride. While my father thought they were simply going for a nice horseback ride on a Saturday and passing by the restaurant, she had stationed 50 of his friends and family at the bottom of a hill holding huge letters spelling “Happy Birthday James”. We watched them slowly approach and his face change from confusion to elation. It was so perfect to watch and it was followed by one of the best meals of our lives!

DZ: My dad’s 50th birthday was a lot of fun. My two sisters and I planned a surprise party for him at a nearby lake where his best friends have a boat. We had all of his friends and family come out for the day where we had a big day-long BBQ, people went out on the boat for watersports, and just all spent a great, low-key day together.

What’s your pre-event routine?

JVC: Cleaning my apartment in a face mask and buying fresh flowers if I’m hosting.

DZ: A lot of water and a lot of rest.

What’s your post-event routine?

JVC: Cleaning my house again and probably a big nap.

DZ: Thanking everyone who made the day special.

What’s the best hostess gift you’ve ever received?

JVC: A friend once gave me a gift certificate for a maid service! That was huge.

DZ: Flowers.

What’s your favorite way to break the ice at a dinner party?

JVC: I love to sit guests with people they don’t know well. Then, of course, a stocked bar always breaks the ice.

DZ: My favorite question to break the ice is “what was your first screen name?” We all had one, they were all bad, and it makes everyone instantly come together and have some common ground (and something to laugh over).

What’s your dream event location?

JVC: Any old estate with a garden.

DZ: Anywhere with great food.


Event space
JVC: My parents apartment in NYC. There are so many memories.

DZ: Our home!

Party snack

JVC: I love bruschetta as a party snack.

DZ: Sliders.

Party drink

JVC: Champagne!

DZ: Champagne or wine.

Song to dance to

JVC: Anything from a live funk band.

DZ: Any 90’s pop.

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